Set up in minutes, sell in seconds. Designed only for restaurants and bars, create your digital menu in just a few minutes, have advanced functions to manage, take orders by your employees, receive orders to eat on the premises, to take away, or to deliver, sent directly by your customers, calls to the waiter, notifications to the kitchen, control of expenses, and much more, all in the same system, hosted in a subdomain with the name of your business. Example - -
Do not forget. There is much more to see. Feel free to create a free account and try now. With the free account, you can start your project and operate with it for an unlimited time, you will only have some limitations, after evaluating our digital menu, you can upgrade to the plan that suits your needs, and remember, our advanced plans have an average price per day, less than the value of a coffee.
FREE or for the price of a coffee a day, get this magnificent tool for your business
Plan Gratuito, pruebe nuestro sistema sin ningún cargo ni compromiso, si lo desea, siempre puede migrar a un plan superior, manteniendo las configuraciones y los datos de su actual Plan.
Plan Inicia, pensado para bares o restaurantes de tamaño medio, obtenga las herramientas necesarias para gestionar su negocio con la mayor efectividad, algunas utilidades no están incluidas.
Plan Avanced, un plan pensado para negocios de hostelería, dispone de las opciones necesarias, para gestionar de forma fácil y eficiente, las necesidades y gestiones habituales de su negocio.
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